shakespeare unbard

a 38 episode podcast in which joel fishbane explores each of Shakespeare's plays, offering tidbits, trivia, and revisionist interpretations of all those plays they made you read in school. 

Shakespeare Unbard, Episode 34: Exits Hurriedly, Pursued by The Winter's Tale

"A sad tale's best for winter" asserts Mamillius, the doomed prince of Bohemia, and rarely has a Shakespearian character summarized his own story so well. His words are proved true as we watch The Winter's Tale, a bittersweet bit of theatre that is one of the most unique Shakespeare ever devised.


In this episode you'll hear excerpts and clips from:

  • The Winter's Tale. Arkangel. 2006

  • Shakespeare, William. The Winter's Tale. The Riverside Shakespeare, Houghton and Mifflin, 1974.

Films discussed:


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